ZEDFEST #5 | 2012

Saturday Cruise - Taronga Western Plains Zoo
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This was right when all 60 or so of us were standing around the spider monkey enclosure >:P
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Just a nice autumn looking scene at the Zoo
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Cruising on to the Narromine Aviation Museum to checkout the Wright Flyer along with an old Aussie fighter jet and some other planes
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The only way I could fit them all in with my 200mm lens while standing 100m away ;)
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The museum went all out on a new ride on mower :P :P Photobucket
The Parkes radio telescope, well known from an Aussie movie called "The Dish" starring Sam Neil
Scones and coffee on the house :)
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On the way back to Dubbo
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Sunday - Show n' Shine
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Doug (Red32) realises he's getting his photo taken :P
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Some cheeky judges
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Karl's personal Z security guards looking very attentive and alert
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Thumb's up everyone who loved Zedfest! :D
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Mikey testing out some new 'Coca Cola' muffler tips
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Karl's 500 trophies >:P Photobucket
Decided to spend Sunday night after the presentation dinner, trying out my new tripod and just generally mucking around with some night time photography...
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Found a praying mantis and it became the theme of the photos for a few shots to come...I did say I was just mucking around ;D
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Graham pointed out this little lighted area in the hotel's garden that just really contrasted well and made an interesting shot..
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Watchout everyone, Benny the night devil is on the prowl..beer in hand as always >:P
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Another interesting alcove of light..
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Dean's (Bracket) trophy for winning the "Low Rider" category